In order to provide your child with a wonderful life, significant costs are required.
We hope we can help you save on costs.
When you buy a Lastenlife Plus membership card, you can enjoy numerous benefits.
The more you buy, the more you save.


Availability: In stock (-9 items)

14,90 €


Welcome to the Lastenlife Plus member club! This is the place where you save money!

Enjoy the joy of shopping while effortlessly saving significant amounts. Different Membership Levels bring different benefits, such as plenty of coupons, site-specific product discounts and exclusive special offers for members, enhancing your shopping experience with personality.

Save from now on! In your personal center, you can check at any time the amount you have saved thanks to the Lastenlife Plus membership. Simply put, this number reflects all the benefits and additional discounts you enjoy as a member of the club. Because we strongly believe in rewarding loyalty, this is our way of showing it to you.

We look forward to more excitement! Our club is constantly evolving, and even more exciting plans are planned. For more information, follow our updates.

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