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A wide range of products
Free delivery for orders over €49

Who We Are

Lasten Lifestyle Oy, a Finnish company founded in 2004, is dedicated to providing a beautiful lifestyle for babies, children and families. Through our multi-brand online store lastenlife.fi and our store in Helsinki, we strive to offer our customers a selection of high-quality, safe and useful products.

Our mission is to carefully assemble and offer quality children's products such as toys, furniture, accessories and more, fostering a unique and creative lifestyle. We pay special attention to product information and material quality to ensure that children have a positive and comfortable experience when using our products.

Our goal is to achieve excellence and become a globally popular brand for families, aiming for a leading position in the field of children's lifestyle. At the core of our values ​​is the promotion of children's creativity, imagination and healthy development.

By offering products that combine educational and entertaining value, we strive to create meaningful and enjoyable experiences for children, supporting their holistic development. We appreciate your interest and welcome you to visit our online store or physical store, so that together we can share the carefully designed and high-quality lifestyle created by Lasten Lifestyle Oy.

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