The Cybex Gazelle S stroller is an easy-to-use and versatile stroller that adapts to the needs of your family. Gazelle S is suitable for either one child or it can be converted with accessories into a double stroller for either siblings or twins.
The frame of the Gazelle S stroller is equipped with soft suspension and puncture-proof foam-filled tires. The front tires are swiveling and can be locked to run straight on soft terrains. The push rod can be telescopically adjusted to several different heights. The stroller has a pedal brake between the rear wheels. The Gazelle is easy to fold with or without the seat. The bike can also be assembled with two seat parts. Adapters are integrated into the frame, which can be used to change the height of the seats when the rink is used with two children.
The spacious seat part can be turned either with the back or facing the direction of travel. The seat part can be adjusted to a full lying position and a few different resting positions. The XXL canopy (UPF50+) is protective and has an extension part that can be opened with a zipper and airy mesh fabric so that air circulates better in the seat. Traction harnesses that work with one hand make attaching the child to the ride easy and effortless. The removable shopping basket can be attached to the upper part of the frame and in this case the seat part is attached to the lower part of the frame. The seat part also comes with a removable safety bar.
The Gazelle S frame can be attached to the seat part and shopping basket that come with the stroller, or the separately purchased Gazelle S stroller hood , Gazelle S adapters for the safety trough, safety trough, Gazelle S sister seat or Gazelle standing board. If you want to use the track with two children, you need either a Gazelle S stroller cover for the baby or a sibling seat for the second child.